Task 47 - And Again
Alan writes:
You write in Task 44 that what you least enjoy ‘in relation to the project is the focus on producing an outcome. […] my strength and (to a degree) my interest lies in the exploration of a task and the creative activity that it involves rather than the reporting back and documenting’. Given that, I was not being a good listener when I set you Task 45, with its multiple stages and the instruction to produce a specific document. You wrote in your response that the ‘making of a somatic-affective diagram was very interesting but shifted my focus away from the physical exploration’; ‘I never really did the movement exploration in the end and it felt like an unsatisfying process as I had bypassed my body. I had missed out on the dance.’ The task should have been to do the work of responding to the score (Erin’s map-drawing) in the light of the koans; the next step ought to have been the relay — the passing over to me of the duty to produce the diagram.
So, that’s the task this time. Use the image below as an image-score to generate movement. That’s the only parameter — it must involve the body, dance. Record the activity in whatever way you prefer and pass the materials to me, along with instructions for their treatment, for the next task (no. 48).