Response 13 - In Between
Dear Alan,
Thanks for this task to record the in-between part of my journeys between Horsens and Aarhus. I have made some video material, some audio recordings during the car trips and a single drawing from listening to SatNav guidance for the journey. At a first glance what strikes me about the material is how static and dull it might seem. A camera fixed to a dash board for 40 minutes (facing out or in) and tired car conversations about ordinary things is not likely to generate footage ready for the next Tom Cruise blockbuster. Nevertheless, these journeys are often made with you and I really treasure as I find them fun and stimulating, and physically they are of course not static at all: we move through the landscape and have conversations that bounce between private matters, serious topics, jokes, singing and silence. Here are screenshots from the video material.
And and a photo (above) of my drawing (inspired by the drawing by Erin Pickles in Response 12).
The material I have collected between Tuesday 27 November and Sunday 2 December 2018:
- Recording our conversation in the car from Aarhus – Horsens after Mysore on Tuesday
- 2 SatNav recordings guiding me through Aarhus to visit my friend Matilde on Thursday
- Recording our conversation in the car from Aarhus – Horsens after Mysore on Sunday
- Dash cam recording of the road between Horsens and Aarhus on Tuesday (comes in 3 parts)
- Dash cam recording facing into the car between Horsens and Aarhus on Sunday
- Drawing of journey based on memory and listening to audio recording of SatNav guiding me to Aarhus on Thursday
The next step is handing over the material to you for task 14. So please go here to read on.