Task 4 – ‘Year Zero’ reconstructed

Marie writes:
As my expertise is in movement and choreography it was a fun challenge to work with still images for Task 3 as a way to represent movement-based work in the Fieldwork in the Body project. It prompted me to create coherence and composition between single images in the same way I would look at continuous shots on a film.
Although setting parameters might lead to content discoveries they may also lead to discoveries in your relationto the content that you work with. Your next task is about exploring your relationship with content through a set of parameters. This task is inspired by working with still images for my trailer in Task 3 but also by a task I set for Maria Kapsali in the 'Two Trainers Prepare' project called Composition Reconstructed where I ask her to remake images I had created.
When our daughter Lisa was born in 2014 you embarked on a project of photographing the first year of her life, you called it ‘Year Zero’. They were photos of Lisa, of parenthood, of dirty nappies, of Leeds, of crying, of tiredness and of love, all put through Instagram filters for effect and for emphasising different aspects of the images. I think it’s a beautiful and moving body of work. These images will be your content for the next task.
These are your instructions:
Choose 10-20 pictures from the first two months of ‘Year Zero’ between the dates of 17 January - 17 March 2014. How you pick them is up to you. If possible, print them out and lay them on the floor or in a way where you can see them in relation to each other. Your task is to create a response to these images without reproducing them in their original format. This means you may take new photos where you have physically reconstructed the originals in relation to e.g. their colour schemes or the story they tell. You may manipulate the existing images and make a new collection. You may make a collage or something completely different. Think of composition and how the images speak to each other. Consider also how this alters your relationship with the images.